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Every SmartWitness product is designed and manufactured to these same standards, to be the best of the best. To create these iconic products we make sure that all Smart Witness products share the same DNA, that’s why when you buy a SmartWitness product, you can be sure that it is:
Designing our products to the highest international standards ensures that our products are suitable for use in both Private and Commercial Vehicles.
To ensure the highest reliability rate in the industry we choose our component suppliers very carefully and have a strict Quality Control process in place at every level of the business – and we design them to be robust and reliable!
We don’t just rely on great design to produce accurate results, we also source components from leading experts in their respective industries, including; GPS sensors from UBLOX, G-Shock Sensors from Bosch, Mapping Software from Google, and Imaging Sensors from Sony and Toshiba.
Fit for Purpose
Our products are designed to perform one simple function, the one that they were designed for! That’s why we make sure we pay attention to even the very smallest details during the design stage. Over the years many companies have tried to copy our key products, but they have never been able to match us on the small but so very important details, and its those important details that make our product the best.
Above all else we make sure our products are safe for use in the vehicles they are designed for. We ensure this by making sure that our products meet all relevant safety standards, including CE, FCC, FORS, VOSA and E-MARK.
Why SmartWitness
- Faced by Drivers, Employers and Insurance Companies all over the world:
Cash for Crash/Pre-Meditated staged accidents
Lack of Witnesses
False/Exaggerated Whiplash
Conflicting Reports of Actual Events
- Provide conclusive evidence with SmartWitness Vehicle CCTV Systems:
High Resolution 170° Colour Visuals from 1 or more CamerasVehicle Dymanics (Acceleration, Braking, Direction, Up/Down)
Vehicle LocationVehicle Speed
Impact Force of AccidentDriving Style
- SmartWitness Vehicle CCTV Systems provides benefits:
For Drivers
For Insurers
For Employers
Prove your Innocence & What Really Happened
Mitigation of Whiplash/Personal Injury Claims
Detect Training Needs/Unsafe Driving
Defend Against Driving Offence
Proven Reduction in Accident Frequency
Reduce Vehicle Wear & Tear
Protect Against Complaints
Proven Reduction to Loss Ratios
Log Vehicle Journey History
Improve Fuel Economy
Proof Of What Really Happenned
Reward Safe Driving
Reduce Vehicle Wear & Tear
Upload Claims Quickly and Easily Using The New 'Cloud Upload' Service
Detailed Driver Reporting